Accessorize 4 Pack of Reusable Metal Straws & Cleaner - Silver & Gold
Key Features
- Reusable straws - do your bit for the environment
- No need for flimsy, soggy paper straws
- 2x Silver & 2x Gold - perfect for any occasion
- Included cleaner to clean straws before & after use
Manufactured from high quality stainless steel these straws are also BPA and chemical free. As they are made of stainless steel they are also very hygienic, as well as being extremely easy to clean by hand or in a dishwasher. Not only are the straws great for the environment and mean you'll never have to use soggy paper straws again, they're also better for your teeth too! It's a win win with Accessorize.
Reusable straws - do your bit for the environment
Plastic straws contribute significantly to ocean pollution, being one of the top 10 things found in ocean clean fills. Not only that, they can stay in landfill for hundreds of years - therefore, when possible, having an alternative is a small way you can make a big difference. These high quality metal straws can easily fit in your handbag or rucksack, meaning you have them ready for whenever you're out for a drink.
No need for flimsy, soggy paper straws
Plastic straws are being replaced at restaurants by paper straws - which, are just not great. They go soggy and unpleasant after being in your drink for a while - ruining the whole experience.
2x Silver & 2x Gold - perfect for any occasion
Perfect for any occasion, the silver & gold straws will bring a bit of sparkle to any drink. Also, as there are 4 of them - if your friend has forgotten theirs, you can offer them one!
Included cleaner to clean straws before & after use
The only issue with metal straws is if you use them for a cocktail or a fizzy drink and then just leave them, they can end up slightly eroded or mouldy. Therefore, after use, use the included cleaning brush to make sure your straw is in perfect condition.
Wesentliche Details
Part No | 1078 |
UPC | 5060518381102 |
Mobile Fun ID | 87278 |
Farbe | Multicolour |
Brand Name | Accessorize |
Lieferung & Retouren
Liefermöglichkeiten für Deutschland / Österreich:
Warensendung - Versandkosten: 3,49 €
Zustellung ab Versand: in 4-8 Werktagen.
Warensendung mit Sendungsverfolgung - Versandkosten: 10,99 €
Zustellung ab Versand: in 2-4 Werktagen.
DHL Express für Deutschland - Versandkosten: 24,99 €
Zustellung ab Versand: am nächsten Tag (Mo-Fr) bei Bestellung vor 17 Uhr
DHL Express für Österreich - Versandkosten: 26,99 €
Zustellung ab Versand: am nächsten Tag (Mo-Fr) bei Bestellung vor 17 Uhr
HINWEIS: Sie können die Standardzustellung nur mit einem Einkaufskorb unter 60 € auswählen. Ist dies der Fall, müssen Sie eine nachverfolgbare Zustellungsmethode auswählen.
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